May 18, 1942
May 18, 1942
Howdy Dad:
The only reason I didn’t call you up in Kansas City is because I got a ride all the way across town. The ride I got when I left you took me to Weldon Springs. My next took me to Wentzville. Then a 40 Ford Sedan to Warrenton. The next a 41 Chev pickup to Kingdom City. My next ride took me a mile from the Kansas city limits and I got out of the car at 9:40. I would have called you but there was no phone handy. My next ride took me to the west side of Kansas City, Kansas. The next ride was from a soldier and I rode to the Ft Leavenworth turn off. The next ride was a Buick going into Lawrence. While I was riding with this feller we went thru a very heavy rain. It was about eleven thirty. When we got to Lawrence it hadn’t slowed up raining so this guy lets me off at the depot and I caught the Pony Express up at 12:50 and rode 98 miles to Ft. Riley. This cost me $2.21. I got in the Barracks about ten to four. Today we went on a problem and I slept all day in the back of a little Jeep and tonight I feel pretty good. Well I’ll close now and I hope to see you again soon.
Yer kid,
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